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Ideas Worth Spreading.

TEDxLSE is a student society of the London School of Economics dedicated to building a community of thinkers fascinated by the ingenuity and dynamism of new ideas. Originally founded in 2012 as a platform for the delivery of an annual TEDx conference, the society has evolved into a robust organization fostering conversation through workshops, symposiums, and other live and virtual events.

What is TED?

TED Conferences LLC is a global media organization aimed at spreading ideas in the fields of technology ("T"), education ("E"), and design ("D") through annual symposiums held in Vancouver, Canada. Past speakers at TED events have included Stephen Hawking, Jane Goodall, and Bill Gates.


What is TEDx?

TEDx conferences are independently organized TED events tasked with elevating local voices and disseminating ideas around the world. With over 33,000 events hosted in 130 countries, TEDx has grown into a global grassroots initiative amplifying the creativity and innovation of small communities to the millions who view their talks. 

The Conference.

The flagship event and primary focus of TEDxLSE is the execution of an annual conference on the campus of the London School of Economics. Embodying the mission of the LSE by recruiting seven thinkers of diverse disciplinary backgrounds to speak, the conference is the culmination of the society's year-long efforts to highlight ideas worth spreading.

Past Speakers.

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